• This office is located in York County, SC.

  • The professionals in this office manage cases of approximately 150 children in foster care.

  • This office, like many others, had a need for a space designed with teenagers in mind. The expressed need from this office space is that the majority of children spending long hours if not days in this office are middle to high school age children.

  • Soft lighting is prioritized as always, and a bed allows a sleep space for day or night!

  • The larger table enables the space to also be used for meeting with family groups. This rooms primary responsibility is to serve children waiting in the office for placement and those children that may have to come into the office for other reasons, but the space also doubles as a conference room for families to be comfortable when meeting with their team of professionals handling their case. Parents can have a place to speak with case managers and know that their children are entertained and distracted.

  • Emmanuel and Fanechia Daniel, of North Rock Hill Church, assembled a team of volunteers to install this space, and they plan to maintain this Lily Pad along with the Midlands Adoption Office. Emmanuel has already begun building relationship with the director and staff. Now, when children are in this office, the staff can notify the Daniel family, and preparations can be made to ensure the children have a warm meal, fresh clothes and shoes if needed, and even someone to come spend time with them and simply play a game with them or read a bedtime story while their case manager works to find placement.

Lily Pad #10: April 2023

Department of Social Services York County, SC


Lily Pad #11 Anderson, SC 2


Lily Pad #9 Midlands Adoption Services