Lily Pad #17: February 2024
Department of Social Services Saluda County, SC
Saluda County is in the Midlands Region of South Carolina, nestled between Greenwood and Lexington Counties.
While not something we’re always able to do, this office had the space available for us to create a Lily Pad room and a separate visitation room.
This means that visitation appointments can occur at the same time a child is using the Lily Pad, without either party being disturbed.
The office requested entertainment options, a sofa bed and a table/desk for both the kids and professionals to use. We love to deliver!
The office staff were so excited to have a Lily Pad, and their excitement was contagious.

Before: The professionals in this office asked for the shelves to be replaced and secured, toys to be organized, and new entertainment items like TV, bluray player, and gaming system.

Before: Grateful for the dedication of past volunteers in this space, while acknowledging the need for a refresh and updated design to cultivate a welcoming Lily Pad space.

Radius Church Saluda campus generously donated to help bring a Lily Pad space to their county.

A fresh coat of primer, paint, and sealer updated the bookcases that were original to this space.

Though this is a smaller Lily Pad space, our designer was able to fit a fold out couch for sleep, reclining glider, and large desk for eating, coloring, or homework.

Our Lily Pad founders, Jenni and Ben Tice, attend every installation and along with community volunteers they implement our designer Cara's design plan. Jenni painted the sunshine on the wall!

Many offices have an internal window that was originally used for observation during family visitation. This office asked for the option to cover the window for when it is appropriate to give a child privacy for sleep.

Each Lily Pad space is equipped with a monitor system to allow case managers to carry on their work outside of the Lily Pad space while also keeping eyes and ears on the children in their care. This is important to our team, so that children do not overhear phone calls about their case or other children's cases.

Weighted blankets have a calming effect through sensory pathways, reducing hyperarousal, stress, and anxiety and reducing fear responses through safety signals of deep pressure. This room also has a weighted stuffed animal!

The members of Foothill's Piecemakers Quilt guild have made rocking chair quilts for our upcoming Lily Pad spaces. This one matched the bright accents of this Lily Pad space perfectly!

Jenni enjoyed making a magnatile play wall. We think this adds a special touch for children to let their creativity soar while they play in the Lily Pad space.

Every Lily Pad space includes coloring books for all ages, sensory toys, and blocks.

We are so thankful to have connected with Raquel McCloud who writes books related to foster care, kinship care, and adoption. "The ABCs of Foster & Kinship Care" will be an excellent resource for the case managers to read to the children in their care.

The case managers in Saluda county were so impressed with Raquel's book and plan to order more to have available for kids and families in Saluda.

Did you know conventional fluorescent lighting is linked to moodiness and negative emotions? Accent lamps make this space feel more comfortable and homey.